

Entrepreneurship is not easy. This is a statement of fact. Many persons are starting and others are thinking of starting their own business. According to the April 2014 Kauffman index of Entrepreneurial activity, 0.28 percent of adults per month started a new business in 2013. Out of those new businesses, the majority will not survive. So what sets the successful business apart the failed ones? And what tools does a budding/new entrepreneur need to succeed?

Any new business requires certain necessities to get started: hard work, a strong offering and a solid plan of action. In addition to these, there are 5 tools we call PILLARS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP that can provide a solid foundation for a new business and which every entrepreneur should utilize.

To easily remember these five tools (pillars) of entrepreneurship, we will use the fingers on one’s hand as a metaphor. Starting with the thumb to count down the five pillars of successful entrepreneurship:

1. ENVISION                                                                                                                                                                                                       The perfect entrepreneur understand how to capitalize on trends and paradigm shifts. They have the ability to predict new opportunities based on human behavior. They also understand that maintaining and communicating the vision consistently is the most important focus for continued success of the company. This is the thumb. The thumb is what closes the grip on the first and touch on all other fingers

2. Enlist

Once a vision is in place, entrepreneurs need to enlist people around the startup to support and grow their adventure. Whether its family member, investors, employees, customers, partners or potential acquirers, these are all an integral part of the beginning stage of a start up.

3. Embark

                Many people have ideas and are even able to enlist people around these ideas. However, the majority fall short of actually taking the step and starting a business. Embarking is what sets leaders apart from followers and most entrepreneurs from employees. There will always be a million reasons why one should not take the plunge and everybody will serve as constant reminder on why it shouldn’t or can’t be done. This is the time to put the middle finger up and move on with it.

4. Execute

                With a vision, team and the start of something great, it’s time to execute. Many groups fail here, and often additional or other entrepreneurs needs to be brought in to do the job. The fourth finger, the ring finger, symbolizes commitment, hard work and resilience. Through better or worse, for richer or poorer, until liquation or an exit .

5. Evolve

                Entrepreneurs can go through the entire cycle and succeed, but to have lasting success, they will need to continuously evolve. The only constant in a startup is change and to succeed one needs to make a promise not to fall into the trap of comfort and complacency. Nothing can guarantee the success of a new business, but using these 5 pillars can give entrepreneur and their new business a solid foundation.

You may also want to read our related article: 5 powerful tips to avoid Business failure and  How to start your Dream Business: A step by step Tutorial


Adapted from The Entrepreneur website: The Original article contributed by Ron Yekutiel, Co Founder and CEO of Kaltura Inc.

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