

Becoming a business owner is everybody’s dream. Everyone wants to proudly say “I started this business” But not many want to pass through the often rough road of starting one.  Many give excuses to rationalize why they have not started their dream business, despite their lofty ideas.

The few years I have spent on earth, I have seen and heard stories about people with great business ideas, few of these persons went on to eventually start their dream business, many more failed to summon enough courage to act on their dreams, instead they found solace in the comfortable bosom of excuses.

This article is aimed at addressing this problem plaguing young and aspiring entrepreneurs. The words of Dr Myles Monroe rings in my ears: “the graveyard is filled with ideas, potentials, and solutions to problems of men and women who never took any steps to actualize their dreams”. I believe they gave different reasons/excuses why they did not take any steps. As we address this issue, the words of Mark Twain should move you to take steps to start your dream business: “There are a thousand excuses for failure, but never a good reason”.

It is important for you to know that if you dream of owning your own business, it’s going to take lots of work, sweat, tears and cash to make it happen, but if you give more weight to excuses than your dreams, they might hold you back for good.

So here are some of the common factors holding back future small business owners:

1.         DON’T HAVE ENOUGH CAPITAL: One of the reasons many people never start their dream business is the excuse of NOT HAVING ENOUGH CAPITAL. I want you to know that nobody had enough capital when they first started their business, except a very few who found an angel investor.

So what will you do if you don’t have an angel investor? Like I did, you should start saving the little you have from your current job if you have any. Learn the habit of saving. You need to seriously work on your budget and remember that you have to invest your own money before you can expect anyone else to invest their money. Please read our post on “HOW TO GET A LOAN WITHOUT COLLATERAL”

Once that is in motion, start getting creative, look into small business loans; ask family members and friends for loans or financial assistance. Always know that nothing will stop a true entrepreneur.

2.      UNTIL ALL IS IN PERFECT: Another reason many give for not starting their dream business is the excuse of looking for good conditions. Many young people with great business ideas who want to start their dream business are often guilty of ending up their business in their mind. They are always putting it off until tomorrow, until they get all the capital they want and until everything is in place. Dear aspiring business owner, such time never exists .There is no such thing as appropriate capital or time, the best time to start is NOW. You just have to decide to start. The long you procrastinate, the fewer quality years you have to build a successful enterprise. Quit procrastinating today. Go ahead and implement your business idea. Your dream can make a difference.

3.    FEAR OF FAILURE: Majority of great business ideas that never took off were as a result of the fear of failure. Most people wishing to become entrepreneurs usually ask themselves fearful questions like “what if business does not succeed” what if I do not make profit? What if this happen or that happens? These and many more fearful questions have restrained them from starting their business. He/she will never take a challenge of starting his/her dream business if they continue talking like this. Such questions reinforce a pervading sense of fear lurking in their minds. The questions that you should ask are “How can I make it successful,” ‘How can I make profit”.

So today, I encourage you to face your fear, look at it eyeball to eyeball and tell yourself you can do it. I know you have what it takes to solve some of the human problems. Don’t let fear hold you back. Even if the odds appear stacked against you and seem insurmountable, learn to have backup plans in place, and learn from the mistakes of others.

A celebrated icon, Florence Nightingale said “I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse”. This is one of the reasons why some people are more successful than others, and why some people make more money, live happier lives and accomplish much more in the same number of years than the great majority. Looking for a guide on how to start your dream business, you can read through our previous post on step by step tutorial on “HOW TO START YOUR DREAM BUSINESS: STEP BY STEP TUTORIAL".

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This post was contributed in collaboration with the Cash4naija Project team by Idugboe O. E.

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