

Welcome to yet another article in our series on “Business to invest in”.

I trust that you have been applying the proven principles we have shared on this site.

 In this short article, I shall show you another powerful money making idea you can and should invest in. It is simple to do. I will not go into details about the importance of animal protein in our body. You can read about that in our previous article How to make money doing poultry production business”.

The demand for poultry meat is increasing by the day, and this demand is not going to decline soon. Everyone needs food for survival; protein is a major component of a balanced diet.

The population of Nigeria is estimated at about 170 million making it a huge market that will not get saturated in the near future.

Currently, Nigeria is still importing frozen turkey in order to meet demand that far outstrips supply!


Amongst fowls, Turkey is the fastest growing. Rearing of Turkey starts from day old. They should be kept in a brooder for about 5 weeks while ensuring that the temperature is appropriate. After 5 weeks the birds should be separated to different compartments male and female. Males are fast growing while the females are slower. It takes about 20 weeks to attain full maturity.

In achieving adequate and rapid growth, special attention should be paid to the feeds.

Feeds should be procured bearing in mind the requirement for protein, fat and carbohydrate as these will enhance rapid and adequate growth for maximum profit.

It should be borne in mind that high fiber and vegetables are not easily or properly digested by Turkey, thus most will be lost in the droppings with inadequate provision of calories needed for energy in order to preserve nutrients for growth.

On maturity, you may sell them for profit or hatch them for eggs which you can also sell for profit.  Turkey can lay 80-100 eggs in the first 24 weeks.There is a full article on Turkey breeding and factors to look out for in the breeding process. Please leave a request on our facebook page .


Are you about to retire after a long service to the country? Are you worried that you will not always get your pension regularly at the end of the month owing to the fact that pension funds are being embezzled? Are you working but your job is not secure to keep you and your family when the unthinkable happens? Are you a corps member who is still serving or are you about to pass out from the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)? You do not want to stay for months, or years searching for a job, while you travel from one state to other attending interviews and making photocopies for jobs that never comes? Do you want to avoid these pitfalls in life? Then worry no more as we can teach you how to make money doing Turkey Business with peace of mind.


  1. All fears about Turkey farming which is preventing you from going into the business will be removed.

  2. Know about the modern techniques in turkey farming.

  3. Know how to have early maturity of your turkey.

  4. How to start your own farm and raise money to start immediately and lots more.

Interested persons should send us an email to: and leave a comment on our facebook page

Contributed by Idugboe Osasumwen Elvis

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